Date: August 1, 2022, 7:00 p.m.
Place: Virtual Meeting Via Zoom
- A.J. Allen
- Clarence & Diane Bellamy
- Deron & Tina Booze
- Steve Bruns
- Alan & Rose Buckley
- Fred Dubinger & Mary McGonagle
- Houmed & Brooke Garad
- Chris Keiner
- Darren Lauria
- Marshall Williams
Call to Order
Reading of Minutes
- Fred proposed to forego reading of minutes in the inyterest of time. Seconded and vote passed.
Treasurer Report
Darren Lauria reported that we have in the bank a total of $.
- $ in checking account
- $ gained in interest
- $ in assessments
- $ paid for homeowner insurance
- $ paid for snow removal
- $ for landscaping services
- $ paid for electricity used by street light at 51st Street
- $ paid for the entire year of 2020
Expected expenses for coming year
The proposed budget was passed.
Assessments for 2023
There was a move for the assessment for 2021 to be $120, plus $20 for late fees. Vote passed.
Bylaws and CCRs Updates and Discussion
Election: President
Alan Buckley was nominated to be the new President. He ran unopposed and was voted in.
Election: Assistant Treasurer
Chris Keiner was nominated to be the Assistant Treasurer. He was voted in.