Date: January 16, 2021, 3:00 p.m.
Place: Virtual Meeting Via Zoom
- Max Adamson
- A.J. Allen
- Clarence & Diane Bellamy
- Deron & Tina Booze
- Danny Boykins
- Steve & Ivette Bruns
- Allan & Rose Buckley
- Dan & Kay Cooper
- Fred Dubinger & Mary McGonagle
- Houmed & Brooke Garad
- Dave Good
- Monica Huffman
- Chris Keiner
- Darren Lauria
- John Offett
- Marshall Williams
Call to Order
- Introductions, by household, and welcome to new residents.
- Thank-you to John Cornell for his work building and installing a Little Free Library.
- Reminder that neighborhood website ( contains relevant documents and other relevant information. Suggested that we place references for home improvement projects on the website. Recommendations can be sent to Fred and he will place on the site.
Reading of Minutes
- Mayor’s Action Committee was contacted about street repairs
- A quote was made to have streets repaired several years ago and we have not received any response.
- Andre Jones will do snow removal (will continue to do so).
- Mr. Zapata will be used for landscaping common areas (this, too, will remain the same).
- Vote on HOA fee of $120 – passed
- Voting on new officers
Treasurer Report
Darren Lauria reported that we have in the bank a total of $14,650.16.
- $4,433.74 in checking account
- $15.63 gained in interest
- $2,895.63 in assessments
- $732 paid for homeowner insurance
- $310 paid for snow removal
- $1,300.00 for landscaping services
- $120.00 paid for electricity used by street light at 51st Street
- $2,462 paid for the entire year of 2020
Questions asked of Darren
- How are the funds in the CD used? Street repairs, mailboxes, common grounds, sidewalks, sewer, painting of signs and other expenses impacting the entire neighborhood.
- What is our tax status? Fred shared that we no longer have some aspect of our previous non-profit status. He would need to check records to remember this in detail, but it may be relevant to taxes.
Expected expenses for coming year
A number of potential expenses were discussed:
- A concern about the different mailboxes was raised and it was suggested that we obtain a quote on uniform mailboxes. Monica Huffman shared that she had just had her mailbox replaced in a style that was in keeping with the original design. She said would send the vendor’s contact information to Fred to place on the website.
- Concern about repaving the neighborhood was shared. Kay & Dan said that a quote given 5 years ago was in the $50-$60,000 range. A.J. thought maybe we look at intermediary steps to do patching out of our own budget.
- Fred shared that the latest estimate he remembered was approximately $23,000 to repair cracking surface locations and do seal-coating. There was a move to get some quotes made. It passed.
- The front sign’s state of repair was discussed. The wooden part of the sign appears to be in good condition. However, the masonry sign posts holding the wooden sign need minor repointing.
- Weed eaters are hurting sign posts. Something to watch in case maintenance or repairs are needed.
The proposed budget was passed.
Assessments for 2020 and 2021
There was a move for the assessment for 2021 to be $120, plus $20 for late fees. Vote passed.
The question of how many families were not in compliance was raised. It was estimated that an additional $700+ revenue was absent due to non-payment. Homes that did not comply will receive a reminder followed by a certified letter. Non-compliance at that point would result in a lien being placed on the property. Homeowners unable to pay the assessment are encouraged to contact Fred so that a payment plan can be made.
It was suggested by Brooke that we explore using Zelle, or a Zelle-like service, to allow families to make electronic payments without the fees acquired with PayPal.
Bylaws Expiration and Discussion
- Current Bylaws are up for review. It was suggested that a Bylaws Committee be formed to review the original document and make recommendations for updates. Danny Boykins agreed to head this committee. Marshall Wiiliams, Rose Buckley and Brooke Garad also volunteered.
- It was suggested that we also form / reform a Social Committee and Safety and Security Committee. A.J. Allen agreed to head the Safety and Security Committee. Past activities included meetings with IPD and the formation of a neighborhood crime watch.
- We are currently looking for someone to lead the Social Committee. Social Committee members in the past would welcome new families with a goodie basket and organize other neighborhood-sponsored events (e.g., block parties, a Halloween parade, etc.).
Election: Secretary
Steve Bruns volunteered to be the new Secretary. He ran unopposed and was voted in.
Other Business
Street parking has become an issue on the McHenry cul-de-sac. Multiple vehicles occupy spaces around the circle there, and there is a history of towing which has had no effect on the parking problem. Towing to begin again if the vehicles aren’t moved, in compliance with the CCRs.
Yard Upkeep and CCR Compliance
Residences not adhering to the CCRs need to be contacted and informed of the issue. Fred has already had one conversation with a resident on this topic this year and anticipates compliance starting early spring.
Pet Cleanup
Individuals are not cleaning up after their pets. The situation will be monitored for six months and decided at a later date if any further action is needed.
Motorists Cutting through Corners on Resident Lawns
The 51st Street yards on the McHenry corner were cut through. Discussion ensued of security camera usage. Monica Huffman wondered if a security camera would be useful; Fred looked into this but maintenance and upkeep would be expensive. A.J. explained that cloud-based data storage for cameras is expensive, too. Ivette Bruns mentioned that Ring doorbell footage may be of use in such situations.
Other Topics
- Brooke Garad mentioned a broken bench in the common area. Fred to investigate.
Next Meeting Schedule
The next meeting will be on April 17, 2021.